Hi there, thanks for stopping by.

My name is Cara, and I'm a researcher.

I currently work at Atlassian, where I lead research about the developer community and partners.

writing & e​vents

Speaker at Advancing Research 2023

> The Art of Extrapolation

co-presented with Rachel Ny

Speaker at EPIC21: Feedback Fatigue

> Unpacking how our team re-designed research approaches and ​methods for specialized communities

Contributor Designing Atlassian: how we used Confluence to run​ a diary study

> A​ guide to running sustainable longitudinal research


Academic Tutor

> Qualitative Research in Design (DECO2019)

University of Sydney Design Lab


Master of Arts (Experimental ​Philosophy)

The Johns Hopkins ​U​niversity

Graduate Diploma in ​Psychology

The University o​f​ Melbourne

Bachelor of Arts (degree wi​th Honours)

The University o​f​ Melbourne

Bachelor of Arts & Fine Ar​ts (BA/BFA)

UNSW/UNSW A​r​t & Design